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Sumai Printing Co., Ltd.

Co., Ltd.Smydia

The company name has been changed to.

Through ideas, technology, and human power
Create new value,
with loved ones
We will create a society full of smiles.

with creativity
Make everyone smile




Thank you very much for your continued support.
This time, our company, Sumai Printing Co., Ltd.,

The company name has been changed to "Smydia Co., Ltd."


Going beyond the boundaries of printing to include advertising, sales promotion, branding, and new graduate recruitment.

We are determined to further solve our customers' problems in
Inheriting the popular nickname "Sumai",
We will continue to take new steps forward.

Smydia Co., Ltd.Thank you for your continued patronage.

The name “Smydia” is
“Smy” “idea” “idea” “media”
It is a coined word that includes the word.

Thoughts behind the new company name


This coined word represents our desire to pursue our customers' ideals with our ideas.
This reflects our strong desire to support our customers' success.
From now on, as Smydia Co., Ltd., we will continue to use new ideas that are not bound by the framework.
We will work passionately towards further growth and success.

To a new Smy


Founded in 1979, Sumai Printing is known as "Sumai-san".
As a printing company, we have been loved by customers mainly in Shiga Prefecture.

However, Sumai Printing is currently expanding its business to include ``web production'' and ``corporate branding.''
We continue to grow together with our customers in fields other than printing.

Our mission is to support the success of our customers' business activities.
Make the customers at the other end smile as well.
In order to express this mission more appropriately and widely communicate it to our customers,
We have decided to make a major change by changing our company name.

We go beyond the image of a "printing shop."
In order to reposition ourselves as an "advertising professional" that provides a wider range of services,
The company name will be changed to "Smydia Co., Ltd."


Our future outlook is
Our goal is to take on the challenge of working beyond the boundaries of printing and meet our customers' expectations.

To that end, we handle event planning, design, corporate branding, etc.
We aim to be a company that can help you in a wide range of areas.

While maintaining our strengths of having a good balance of design ability, responsiveness, and price, we are able to respond to the work entrusted to us by our customers.

We will meet your expectations with the best cost performance.

Future outlook.png

Smydia 16 tips

Mind of sumaidia 16

Knowledge of manufacturing for customers

Teamwork tips

Knowledge of social contribution

Knowledge of business approach

Knowledge about the workplace

Knowledge of creating new value

・Thank customers. We will repay you with work that exceeds expectations.
-Always think about your services from the customer's perspective.
・Pursue services that we can provide with confidence.

・Work is made up of the roles of those who execute it and those who support it. Thank each other.
・Pay attention to the processes before and after the work, and support the smooth progress of the work.
Problems are solved by helping each other as a team.
・The current situation is the result of our predecessors' continued challenges.
We will continue our efforts to pass on a better environment.

- Actively participate in regional revitalization efforts,
I want to give back my gratitude for being able to work in this place.
・Actively engage in eco-activities. Cherish the natural environment, which is the source of everything.

・Work as a professional with confidence, pride, and love.
・Always aim to improve quality and proactively make business improvements and suggestions.
・Appropriate communication prevents accidents. Don't neglect reporting and consultation.

-Take responsibility for your own words and actions.
Keeping your promises means valuing your colleagues and the workplace. 
・Keep things organized and tidy. By increasing work efficiency, you can achieve better performance.
・Give a bright and cheerful greeting. Emotions also reside in products and services.

・Don't get caught up in the box. Always actively trying new things. 
・Our job is to solve customers' problems.
Ascertain the essence of things and make the best and most optimal proposals to customers.

​Trajectory of evolution


Pass 3.png

​1. Smy​The beginning of printing

2. Smy​A period of revolution in printing

In 1979, a miscellaneous goods store "Fancy Shop Himawari" was opened in Ritto City, Shiga Prefecture.
I opened a small shop called.

In 2010, "Koka Minakuchi Factory" became a new base in Koka City, Shiga Prefecture.
has been completed.

Group 93.png

3. Smy​Printing Challenge

In addition to printing, we are developing a wide range of services such as sales promotion tools, advertising, and recruitment activities.

Make everyone smile with creativity

Our creativity makes all smiles

We create new value through ideas, technology, and human power,
Together with our loved ones, we will create a society full of smiles.

Smydia Co., Ltd.

©︎2023SUMAIDIA Inc.

Smydia Co., Ltd.

©2023 sumaidia inc.

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